I am a trained Holistic Addiction Medicine Therapist with a license to perform SUGAR@, Executive Coach, and also have training in mental training, meditation, basic medicine, suicide prevention and body awareness training -KMT.

Specialising in sugar addiction, I help you gain the tools, confidence and security to live in recovery with your addiction.

From being almost clinically dead from this disease to living a recovered life today with peace of mind and joy, I know that with support and help, recovery is possible.

One of my professions is coaching in self-leadership. I have trained and held many leadership courses and workshops in leading yourself & leading a team!

Whether it's addiction, coaching or KMT, it's largely about learning new life patterns and leading yourself anew. The pathways to well-being are many and highly individual.

When working on change, it is helpful to have someone on hand to help set the direction and follow it.

KMT has been an invaluable tool for me in allowing me to start living in my own body, including dealing with fatigue and anxiety issues that have been largely related to my addiction. Body awareness training is helpful for many different conditions, you can read more about it under the KMT tab.

I wish you a warm welcome to my site.

Collaboration with and mentor Bitten Jonsson.

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